Prima di tutto bisogna tener bene a mente che il Counselor è una guida, non il mago con la bacchetta magica o il "salvatore" che vuole a tutti i costi trovare la soluzione adatta a ciascun problema che il cliente porta nel setting.
Il Counselor è colui che facilita al cliente l'accesso alle sue risorse , è un sostegno, NON attua ristrutturazioni del profondo, compito dello Psicoterapeuta .
be liable for the Counselor regarding change of customer behavior is limited, in fact he is fully responsible for his life and does not question whether their mechanisms trying to change them, putting in the game, this aspect will be postponed avoidance motivation in asking whether the change is still valid as when they turned to us.
The Counselor in artistic mediation has a tool to help customers in a period of impasse in his life: the 'image , the artistic product, which brings with it an emotional distance which bypass le difese permette di guardare con più tranquillità il problema e di verbalizzarlo prendendone coscienza e dandogli un nome.
Il Counselor orientato all'espressione può guardare (Counselor come spettatore di quello che il cliente rappresenta) alla comunicazione del cliente come se fosse un'opera d'arte, per poter com-prendere successivamente dove nella rappresentazione estetica ci sono aspetti significativamente relazionabili a difficoltà esistenziali.
Per comunicazione estetica si intende tutto ciò che anima l'inanimato che rende viva l'immagine , (dalla palude di situazioni complesse emerge un qualcosa which becomes a "figure" - from the mud of the swamp lily lies unconscious - Jung) the product through an exercise in projection above and enhances communication through words.
The effort will be to build a creative alliance with the client , so then resubmit it to the outside. The aesthetic communication has the potential to pull itself out of the well of the unconscious meanings in the shadows, making it what is alive and well in this space (area transactional) that may be the game, the exchange and where there is the possibility of restructuring and change.
From the point of view of orientation "Diagnostic" beyond the sublimation (the physiological defense mechanism of the human being) as proposed by psychoanalysis, aesthetic forms can reach the heart of the problem (creativity creates a new approach to a problem that does not know how hard to evolve) to work: the client and the Counselor through the exploration and consapevolizzazione to produce evolutionary change.
Gestalt psychology, with a study on perception and focusing attention on the emergence of the figure to be blurred as well as a background for your attention to the emotional experience showed over and over again through the cycle model of the contact, can offer a good support grid for the subsequent exploration of the cognitive work.
Counseling then becomes a way to allow the customer to create his own form for a process approach to locks, breaks and for a real evolutionary transformation of the problem presented. Art can explore at a deeper level without the need to manipulate the language.
The art space and has no time element, and then a picture can represent many aspects of life while at the same time the verbalization is a linear form of communication.
ArtCounseling is a specific type of intervention to support (NOT psychotherapy), which uses techniques and artistic expression as a means of expression and communication.
The creative act experienced within a protected environment, facilitates contact with the emotions and allows the mobilization of personal resources in order to develop self-awareness, to address emerging difficulties at any stage of life or to increase the personal well-being.
If you'd like to try you can call me (347 1751469) or send me an email ( gabriellacosta@artcounseling.it ) to book your appointment ...
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