Friday, February 18, 2011

Heart Gold Soul Silver R4 Patch


" Non domandarci la formula che monda possa aprirti,

sì qualche storta sillaba e secca come un ramo.

Codesto solo oggi possiamo dirti

Ciò che non siamo, ciò che non vogliamo ..”


Si vive inseguendo il tempo che corre via veloce dedicandosi ogni giorno a molte attività: più cose si fanno durante la giornata, la settimana, i mesi, più si rimane con una sensazione di ansia e di frenesia, perché sembra che il tempo a nostra disposizione sia poco e sfugga dalle mani.

Vita cicciona, bella ma impegnativa e da sostenere, se non si trova uno spazio necessario per integrare tutte le attività in cui ci si imbatte. E’ meglio fermarsi, arrivare ad un certo punto e finalmente dar retta a quella vocina interiore che già da tempo suggeriva di incominciare a riflettere su di noi, perché le mille attività intraprese, le mille esperienze accumulate e le mille persone incontrate non sfuggano via lasciandoci solamente un vago ricordo, ma possano davvero penetrare in noi e aiutarci a crescere.

E’ necessario imparare to recognize the truth about their existence if you want to take the responsibility to live the present with a new awareness and freedom. Otherwise you fall into patterns seasoned that lead nowhere, but keep your mind steady and locked on heavy thoughts, experiences, incomprehensible and unnecessary.

By ArtCounseling you can take a path that leads to a deeper understanding of themselves. Review its work in the thoughts that everyone has inside and very often can not express with words is a first step towards a path of change, maturity and positivity.

Cisono many opportunities to get in touch with themselves el'ArtCounseling is one of those. It 'a road that connects through the language of mind, experience, emotions and hands. Log in, takes what it finds, and that can be taken and leads them out. Highlight the old, makes it acceptable and recognized as an important part of himself and he asks to go further.

By ArtCounseling you discover the potential benefits associated with new attitudes and new visions, so that all this knowledge does nothing but attract the best experiences, meet more interesting and a new openness toward you.

The story in pictures of themselves becomes a clear picture of the whole person. The person emerges from this location as a being who has re-found and he sees himself in a new light, more conscious and determined, with a higher self-esteem and desire to succeed by showing its value rediscovered.

The "sign" is the hub of the process of ArtCounseling, everything occurs through art. And 'the work that conveys the message not the word.

Great is the power of the image, it hides vicende passate, elaborazioni, aspetti psicosomatici e infiniti altri segreti che solo chi disegna può svelare.

Ogni opera è un messaggio anche se non sempre voluto consciamente; certi problemi, disagi e mozioni e dolori vengono trascinati dalle linee e dai colori. In ogni lavoro ci sono due parti: una in primo piano e una più nascosta e il cliente prova una certa soddisfazione quando riscontra tra la propria opera e i suoi intenti rappresentativi una certa corrispondenza. E’ importante che egli riconosca cosa si muove dentro di sé e che tipo di emozioni vive capendo se sono sensazioni di paura, di gioia, di rabbia, di frustrazione o di altro genere. E’ importante poi che liberi queste forces and reveal the sheet through the colors and shapes.

The ArtCounseling has two functions, the first is to turn the camera lens inside the eye to look internally, the second is the focus of external reality. The Client "doing art" begins to identify itself and to use one or the other way.

By ArtCounseling puts the individual in a position to find their inner freedom, at the same time highlighting the most authentic part of himself. This allows the person to get rid of its oldest and most tenacious suffering, removing anxieties in which to put on and re-finding that the entirety of his personality.

Since the ArtCounseling works on the strength of the colors and shapes is capable of reaching fields deep and unknown where the words do not come. Artistic expression, be it a drawing or a sculpture, an essay, poem, or a collage can overcome the state through the emergence of consciousness from the unconscious without any filter all that is more hidden but also more true of ' individual.

When a path ArtCounseling to enter into ourselves and see you some special moments when we feel we can draw them or represent them in other ways, and in doing so we can understand and know something more about us and what happened to us.

often fail to understand that each of us stands in a unique way to experience living in the middle, in the midst of his life and his relationships. It is easy to make comparisons with the experiences of others, think that the way to understand is the same for all, that is the way we see the same for all, that the way to learn is the same for each person. Instead our eyes capture reality in a unique way, our earliest experiences, the smallest, most trivial, but for us so great and sometimes insurmountable, have resulted in the past of personal emotional responses that we represent today. These responses are not new but are awakened as if they were real, facts that are nothing but reminders of the past, something that has already happened in a more or less distant.

This "here and now" is the new opportunities offered to us to prove to ourselves who we really are and if we do not have confidence in the present, we play our roles more interesting, if unfortunately, in this live in trouble we must learn to think that something has awakened an old episode in the past has made us suffer, the emotion returns linked to that fact.

Emotions are energy movements that relate to all episodes of our life where we learned a lesson through the story we grew up with the suffering ol'allegria.

Make a path ArtCounseling is like taking off from the shoulders all the weights that we carry with us and prevent us from living fully with this, when they rely on paper, writing, color, clay these memories, thoughts, people, spoken and unspoken words, everything calms down and they gradually become vanishing, remaining at the end of the photos to tell how their colors on our way ... ..

If somehow you've intrigued .... book a meeting with me (the first meeting is ABSOLUTELY FREE and NOT committed itself ) call me at 347 1751469 or write ... ... ... ... ... ...



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