Once upon a time the human body, all enclosed in a wrapper called skin. Inside it was impossible to look at, but we thought we had a heart, veins, bones (a brain!) And all those other things. Some also said that there was a soul, but you knew what it was made.
That is, until early 1900, then there was a big commotion.
A physician named Sigmund Freud wrote about unconscious, which is the most hidden part of our minds find a home where our desires, our fears, our dreams.
And so the beginning of the last century, the artists are no longer represented the only man in her appearance, trying to paint his body perfectly, but in their portraits have been trying to communicate something more: feelings and emotions that come from our hearts.
In Francis Bacon strokes of the human body is deformed, it folds and hides in the dark.
Schiele's body si contrae in una posa carica di tensione, diventando specchio delle passioni e del turbamento interiore.
La donna dipinta da De Kooning sembra non avere più un vero corpo, tutto si confonde tra le macchie di colore.
Ora tocca a te ... perché non metterti in gioco e provare.... di seguito un esercizio che propongo spesso ai mie clienti in seduta quando è necessario stoppare la parola e lasciarsi andare al “cosa sento...” , “ come lo sento...” , “dove lo sento...” ...
The body becomes continuously grows and changes, you change depending on feelings and emotions that invade it.
Did you ever feel your body as heavy as a stone when you're tired, tense and hard when you're in fear, light as a feather when you're happy, or feel tiny, almost invisible when Are you embarrassed?
Imagine if those feelings suddenly become images: bodies that speak ...
Now try to feel how the body changes according to the emotions ... assume these positions and listen to your body ...
CALM .... relaxes every muscle stretched ... ... grows gradually legs and arms occupying the space around you .... This experience was amplified gradually posture .... and listened .....
VOLTAGE .... standing ... back straight .... legs slightly apart, stretched .. Get your head in your hands crossing his arms down and rotate to the left as you can .... This experience was amplified gradually posture .... and listened .....
UNCERTAINTY .... remains in balance on one foot ... raise your arms up ... sways slightly ... This experience was amplified gradually posture .... and listened .....
ANGER .. . Sit on the floor ... knees to your chest ... squeeze strongly fists .... stiffen every muscle screaming ... and with all of your voice .... This experience was amplified gradually posture .... and listened .....
now staying in different emozioni sperimentate nel “qui e ora” disegna il tuo corpo nelle varie posizioni. Non avere paura di sbagliare, di lasciarti sfuggire dalle mani segni “ribelli”: in fondo ogni traccia sul foglio rende più vivo il disegno e racconta l’emozione che provi mentre crei .. è la memoria di ogni tuo gesto....
Ora, se hai voglia prova a fare un passo in più dando voce al tuo disegno accentuando le differenti sensazioni sperimentate, tramite nuove tecniche: cancella... nascondi... vela... scarabocchia... graffia... strappa e ricomponi...immergi nel colore....
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