Sunday, February 13, 2011

Swot Analysis For Pinkberry

Jackson Pollock - Alchemy, 1947 -

Mi disse : “ la luce è pesante. E’ tutta materia grezza. Se ti avvicini al quadro la vedi: più cremosa del fondo plumbeo”.

Allora mi avvicinai e potei notare come il tratto in rilievo producesse oscurità ulteriori e la superficie non avesse altro che assorbenza. Niente colori senza luce. Un piccolo segreto alchemico, perché il pittore non fa altro che riunire elements and make them fight with the light.

He said: "I do not use colors. There are no colors, there are secret relevance. Because the atmosphere of love and gives birth to the surface color. And explodes as an idea of \u200b\u200blife. But if you approach the whole is lost. Intercourse with the air temperature, the attachment of color to the canvas and the docility of the painter who only makes gestures. So the lead becomes gold. "

He said: "Painting is just chemical, like washing hands or chew. As the foam that clings lovingly to the particles of dirt and carries it with him. How food is processed in the mill alive by the gesture of the jaw, fever secreted by the salivary glands. It swoops down to the more complex laboratories, more and more simplified. "

He said: "Nothing that seems to occur randomly. Move the hand gestures of apparent randomness, I let all the raw material overlaps and expect it to be light to do the rest. But there is nothing in this unweighted and gestures are accurate. Because the hand of the painter unfolds ee dye mess with the eye of the layman. Yes, colors are crowded and there's more. But the aura is deceptive, it produces itself. Invade and look back at the origin. "

Mi disse: “Che c’entra questo quadro!”.

Allora mi avvicinai alla tela e respirai quei tratti.......

M.Fois - Picta –


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