Chianciano Terme Legambiente continues information campaign to promote the consumption of drinking water tap and more generally reducing the consumption of mineral water in bottles ranging in towards a sustainable use of environmental resources.
The initiative of the City of Chianciano in early 2009 that installed a fountain in the Town Forest (near the aqueduct) from which you can tap into the delicious water of the Vivo is receiving the appreciation of good citizenship part of Chianciano. A few days ago, at the initiative of local Legambiente Club and the City è stato apposto accanto alla fontanella un cartello che riporta i risultati delle analisi dell’acqua, oltre ad alcuni dati sui prelievi effettuati. Nelle acque vengono fatti accertamenti mensili su circa 50 elementi e risultano tutti ampiamente all’interno dei valori limite. Nei mesi del 2009 in cui è stata attiva in quell’anno sono stati prelevati da quella fontana 250.000 litri di acqua. Una quantità considerevole (aumentata sicuramente nel 2010) che ha evitato il “consumo” di 170.000 bottiglie di plastica (circa 5.000 kg di rifiuti in meno e 17.850 Kg di CO2 non emessa), oltre ad aver permesso alle famiglie che hanno prelevato l’Acqua del Vivo dalla fontanella di risparmiare complessivamente oltre 40 mila euro. Sempre a few weeks, thanks to the volunteers of Legambiente, were placed some signs (labeled "drinking water") that indicate the direction to reach the fountain.
Finally, always with the goal of a better use of water resources - as part of the ATO Water Projects 4 and the company's new water - the town of Chianciano Terme, in collaboration with Geo Legambiente Association and archaeological glass bottles and are distributing informational material on the quality of tap water to promote the consumption of water supply (and reduce water consumption mineral, which in addition to cost a lot to the citizens, also have significant environmental costs). Were set up two distribution points of the beautiful bottles of 'Water projects and information material. One is the Etruscan Museum in Via Dante (in winter, open only on weekends) and the other is the concierge of the town of Chianciano in via Solferino, or can be contacted at Legambiente cignolegambiente@yahoo.it mail. The distribution is free and citizens are invited to collect their bottle ... and consume tap water.
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