"Poetry is the impossible made possible ..."
Poesia, dal greco poiein= fare – produrre, è la tecnica di comporre versi o più generalmente di esprimere in forme ritmiche sentimenti e realtà secondo la propria visione del mondo.
Lungo il corso del tempo, in ogni paese e lingua, la gente si è rivolta alla poesia per liberare le proprie emozioni: per la speranza in tempo di disperazione, per il conforto in tempo di fatica, per l’ispirazione in tempo di dubbio.
Negli ultimi anni molti professionisti delle relazioni d’aiuto hanno riconosciuto nella poesia uno strumento “curativo” estremamente ricco .
Il grande potere “terapeutico” della poesia consiste nel riuscire a catturare le emozioni che creano disagio invece di averne paura. La poesia, riuscendo ad esprimere ciò che a volte è inesprimibile, possiede la capacità di mostrarci la strada nello sconfinato territorio dentro di noi chiamato “l’irrazionale – l’inconscio”, e può dare a chiunque sappia ascoltare e ascoltarsi punti di riferimento e suggestioni essenziali per vivere meglio. Anche in un solo verso possono concentrarsi images and emotions we discover the meaning of our existence, drawing with a new awareness of our energies and in this sense that poetry "saves lives".
Poetry is a high form of a summary of the history, experience or emotion that is communicated to the outside and then made available to themselves and others. The language of the poem is symbolic and evocative, impressionistic very similar to that of the dream. In the dream, the words do not form a language, but are treated as objects, visual images or auditory images could be combined with other factors.
The poem uses all the symbolism of the dream (removal - summary - symbols) and as the dream lives in an environment free from space and time.
It takes us into other realities that are beyond those immediately observed.
The inner mechanism that allows the creation is the individual psychic regression to that mode of thought called "primary process" to then come up with insights through logical thinking.
The poem, in fact, has the ability to allow communication between the two cerebral hemispheres: the left is characterized by a practical thought that selects and analyzes, the right, responsible, instead, to the dreamy and imaginative thinking, without planning, inconsistent, which is the succession of images, associating freely by contiguity and similarity.
The poem can thus unite thought and emotion in a few lines (setting in motion the ability to synthesis) can communicate powerful emotions (combining free pictures giving vent to imaginative thinking and dreaming) .
In the United States for over twenty years, the poem is used as a tool for exploration and understanding of the self. Existed for 10 years, the National Association for Poetry Therapy, which has experienced the poem in various fields of application in the treatment of couples and families, the elderly, school groups among adolescents in the treatment of children, in prisons, always with the order to provide a container for an awareness too intense or too elusive than the language of everyday life.
The use of poetry in situazioni di sostegno e aiuto per la crescita psicologica, può evocare processi primari che vanno oltre la parola scritta e parlata, attivando immagini archetipe e fantasie sepolte nella psiche; il soggetto può così comunicare ciò che non è capace di esprimere in qualsiasi altra forma.
Le modalità di applicazione non sono semplici forme di composizione poetica libera, bensì forme creative di poetizzazione guidata con la finalità di consapevolizzare e supportare stati emotivi e cognitivi importanti per il ben-essere psicologico.
Tra le varie tecniche psycho-poetry that can be used in individual and group courses are:
- The primitive writing poetry and madness starting at key emotional stimuli, consisting of the first If more than one word and one word in the second stimulus, to reconstruct their emotions in a poetic.
- The poetic dream, a technique that was born after a guided fantasy on words or mental images (with the aim of helping the parties most creative); mode used in a special way to release emotions associated with raw or difficult situations and to learn about parts that are beyond conscious control
- The symbolic poetry, very often in the form of a letter, very useful to overcome a disappointment, a loss or break away from states of emotional dependence: the script brings back to consciousness the elements of the report and the emotions that you are connected allowing the deletion.
- The poem positive useful to capture and highlight possible positive outlook, thus fueling new ways of looking at situations and at the same time overcoming the tendency to focus on negative emotional moments amplifying.
- The biography poetry, very useful in the construction and re-construction of identity. The technique consists in creating or reading poems that are considered representative of self or self-perception to stimulate the writing or reading poetry that you would want others to enable us to devote eteropercezione. Of great help to improve the problems between parents and children in conflicts or torque.
- The dialogical poetry, is a poetic conversation with another person symbolic (or real person share ourselves - similar to the technique of the empty chair gestalt), through which you try to express something that otherwise you can not tell you or from voice to those parts of themselves that they can not find space, and then to be lived.
- The poem fantasy, is to write in poetic form of its ghosts, fantasies or fears that affect us, we can say that it is a technique that helps us get in touch with our shadow. Express our ghosts is liberating and helps us to acorgerci the world does not collapse if our dark sides come to light.
Poetry, then, as the soul scream that breaks the din of life where the dignity of a thousand worlds are dark and secret that we have within and in we are often unaware
"By saying and doing a poetic act we re-learn who we are, we embrace even those parts that are pushing for occult emerge into the light, then we accept ... . broaden our horizons to enjoy the best of us and given us life to live. "
Bartalotta G, Handbook of art therapy, poetry, Edup
Revault JY, Healing with the writing, RED
Bisutti D., poetry prejudice life, Economica Feltrinelli
Grenci R., Seize the Moment, Edizioni La Meridiana
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