Monday, February 28, 2011

Help With Catan Cities&knights Game License

Art .. language of the 'invisible' Art Therapy

Paul Klee - Lieblesied bei Neumond (detail) 1939

"Art does not reproduce what is visible but makes visible that which is not always ..."

Paul Klee


"Klee sees each form (Form ), it is natural or artistic, such as disruption of the underlying growth movement itself continuous and infinite, and as an expression, in itself, the process of formation ( Gestaltung ) that generated it. The way to form "goes beyond the goal goes beyond the term of the same street " makes visible what is invisible, representing not the form but the function, the structure of growth that justifies the form." (Daniela Gamba - be musical and pictorial work of Paul Klee -)

Friday, February 25, 2011

What To Say On An Award Certificate

Nuclear? This commercial is misleading

Lo ha stabilito il Giurì, l’organo di controllo della pubblicità in Italia. Lo spot del Forum Nucleare Italiano dove si vede giocare la partita di scacchi è ingannevole e ne deve essere cessata la diffusione. Non sono state ancora depositate le motivazioni della decisione.
(Fonte: Ecoblog)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Make Electronic Toy Boat

poetic ... the word that saves .... Why do a path

"Poetry is the impossible made possible ..."

Garcia Lorca

Poesia, dal greco poiein= fare – produrre, è la tecnica di comporre versi o più generalmente di esprimere in forme ritmiche sentimenti e realtà secondo la propria visione del mondo.

Lungo il corso del tempo, in ogni paese e lingua, la gente si è rivolta alla poesia per liberare le proprie emozioni: per la speranza in tempo di disperazione, per il conforto in tempo di fatica, per l’ispirazione in tempo di dubbio.

Negli ultimi anni molti professionisti delle relazioni d’aiuto hanno riconosciuto nella poesia uno strumento “curativo” estremamente ricco .

Il grande potere “terapeutico” della poesia consiste nel riuscire a catturare le emozioni che creano disagio invece di averne paura. La poesia, riuscendo ad esprimere ciò che a volte è inesprimibile, possiede la capacità di mostrarci la strada nello sconfinato territorio dentro di noi chiamato “l’irrazionale – l’inconscio”, e può dare a chiunque sappia ascoltare e ascoltarsi punti di riferimento e suggestioni essenziali per vivere meglio. Anche in un solo verso possono concentrarsi images and emotions we discover the meaning of our existence, drawing with a new awareness of our energies and in this sense that poetry "saves lives".

Poetry is a high form of a summary of the history, experience or emotion that is communicated to the outside and then made available to themselves and others. The language of the poem is symbolic and evocative, impressionistic very similar to that of the dream. In the dream, the words do not form a language, but are treated as objects, visual images or auditory images could be combined with other factors.

The poem uses all the symbolism of the dream (removal - summary - symbols) and as the dream lives in an environment free from space and time.

It takes us into other realities that are beyond those immediately observed.

The inner mechanism that allows the creation is the individual psychic regression to that mode of thought called "primary process" to then come up with insights through logical thinking.

The poem, in fact, has the ability to allow communication between the two cerebral hemispheres: the left is characterized by a practical thought that selects and analyzes, the right, responsible, instead, to the dreamy and imaginative thinking, without planning, inconsistent, which is the succession of images, associating freely by contiguity and similarity.

The poem can thus unite thought and emotion in a few lines (setting in motion the ability to synthesis) can communicate powerful emotions (combining free pictures giving vent to imaginative thinking and dreaming) .

In the United States for over twenty years, the poem is used as a tool for exploration and understanding of the self. Existed for 10 years, the National Association for Poetry Therapy, which has experienced the poem in various fields of application in the treatment of couples and families, the elderly, school groups among adolescents in the treatment of children, in prisons, always with the order to provide a container for an awareness too intense or too elusive than the language of everyday life.

The use of poetry in situazioni di sostegno e aiuto per la crescita psicologica, può evocare processi primari che vanno oltre la parola scritta e parlata, attivando immagini archetipe e fantasie sepolte nella psiche; il soggetto può così comunicare ciò che non è capace di esprimere in qualsiasi altra forma.

Le modalità di applicazione non sono semplici forme di composizione poetica libera, bensì forme creative di poetizzazione guidata con la finalità di consapevolizzare e supportare stati emotivi e cognitivi importanti per il ben-essere psicologico.

Tra le varie tecniche psycho-poetry that can be used in individual and group courses are:

  • The primitive writing poetry and madness starting at key emotional stimuli, consisting of the first If more than one word and one word in the second stimulus, to reconstruct their emotions in a poetic.
  • The poetic dream, a technique that was born after a guided fantasy on words or mental images (with the aim of helping the parties most creative); mode used in a special way to release emotions associated with raw or difficult situations and to learn about parts that are beyond conscious control
  • The symbolic poetry, very often in the form of a letter, very useful to overcome a disappointment, a loss or break away from states of emotional dependence: the script brings back to consciousness the elements of the report and the emotions that you are connected allowing the deletion.
  • The poem positive useful to capture and highlight possible positive outlook, thus fueling new ways of looking at situations and at the same time overcoming the tendency to focus on negative emotional moments amplifying.
  • The biography poetry, very useful in the construction and re-construction of identity. The technique consists in creating or reading poems that are considered representative of self or self-perception to stimulate the writing or reading poetry that you would want others to enable us to devote eteropercezione. Of great help to improve the problems between parents and children in conflicts or torque.
  • The dialogical poetry, is a poetic conversation with another person symbolic (or real person share ourselves - similar to the technique of the empty chair gestalt), through which you try to express something that otherwise you can not tell you or from voice to those parts of themselves that they can not find space, and then to be lived.
  • The poem fantasy, is to write in poetic form of its ghosts, fantasies or fears that affect us, we can say that it is a technique that helps us get in touch with our shadow. Express our ghosts is liberating and helps us to acorgerci the world does not collapse if our dark sides come to light.

Poetry, then, as the soul scream that breaks the din of life where the dignity of a thousand worlds are dark and secret that we have within and in we are often unaware

"By saying and doing a poetic act we re-learn who we are, we embrace even those parts that are pushing for occult emerge into the light, then we accept ... . broaden our horizons to enjoy the best of us and given us life to live. "


Bartalotta G, Handbook of art therapy, poetry, Edup

Revault JY, Healing with the writing, RED

Bisutti D., poetry prejudice life, Economica Feltrinelli

Grenci R., Seize the Moment, Edizioni La Meridiana

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sister's Wedding Invitation Wordings For Friends

30 seconds of your time for the Common Good Water

Care e cari,
come we announced a few days ago, now included in the petition online for the merging of the date of the vote for the referendum and local elections.
trying to turn this information as last time, involving more people read and making our appeal, and this fact is an important instrument of pressure that we have to make our voice heard and communicate our content.

To sign can go on the homepage

or at the following direct link:

the operational secretariat
referendum campaign
2 is for water benecomune

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drink tap water

Chianciano Terme Legambiente continues information campaign to promote the consumption of drinking water tap and more generally reducing the consumption of mineral water in bottles ranging in towards a sustainable use of environmental resources.
The initiative of the City of Chianciano in early 2009 that installed a fountain in the Town Forest (near the aqueduct) from which you can tap into the delicious water of the Vivo is receiving the appreciation of good citizenship part of Chianciano. A few days ago, at the initiative of local Legambiente Club and the City è stato apposto accanto alla fontanella un cartello che riporta i risultati delle analisi dell’acqua, oltre ad alcuni dati sui prelievi effettuati. Nelle acque vengono fatti accertamenti mensili su circa 50 elementi e risultano tutti ampiamente all’interno dei valori limite. Nei mesi del 2009 in cui è stata attiva in quell’anno sono stati prelevati da quella fontana 250.000 litri di acqua. Una quantità considerevole (aumentata sicuramente nel 2010) che ha evitato il “consumo” di 170.000 bottiglie di plastica (circa 5.000 kg di rifiuti in meno e 17.850 Kg di CO2 non emessa), oltre ad aver permesso alle famiglie che hanno prelevato l’Acqua del Vivo dalla fontanella di risparmiare complessivamente oltre 40 mila euro. Sempre a few weeks, thanks to the volunteers of Legambiente, were placed some signs (labeled "drinking water") that indicate the direction to reach the fountain.
Finally, always with the goal of a better use of water resources - as part of the ATO Water Projects 4 and the company's new water - the town of Chianciano Terme, in collaboration with Geo Legambiente Association and archaeological glass bottles and are distributing informational material on the quality of tap water to promote the consumption of water supply (and reduce water consumption mineral, which in addition to cost a lot to the citizens, also have significant environmental costs). Were set up two distribution points of the beautiful bottles of 'Water projects and information material. One is the Etruscan Museum in Via Dante (in winter, open only on weekends) and the other is the concierge of the town of Chianciano in via Solferino, or can be contacted at Legambiente mail. The distribution is free and citizens are invited to collect their bottle ... and consume tap water.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Heart Gold Soul Silver R4 Patch


" Non domandarci la formula che monda possa aprirti,

sì qualche storta sillaba e secca come un ramo.

Codesto solo oggi possiamo dirti

Ciò che non siamo, ciò che non vogliamo ..”


Si vive inseguendo il tempo che corre via veloce dedicandosi ogni giorno a molte attività: più cose si fanno durante la giornata, la settimana, i mesi, più si rimane con una sensazione di ansia e di frenesia, perché sembra che il tempo a nostra disposizione sia poco e sfugga dalle mani.

Vita cicciona, bella ma impegnativa e da sostenere, se non si trova uno spazio necessario per integrare tutte le attività in cui ci si imbatte. E’ meglio fermarsi, arrivare ad un certo punto e finalmente dar retta a quella vocina interiore che già da tempo suggeriva di incominciare a riflettere su di noi, perché le mille attività intraprese, le mille esperienze accumulate e le mille persone incontrate non sfuggano via lasciandoci solamente un vago ricordo, ma possano davvero penetrare in noi e aiutarci a crescere.

E’ necessario imparare to recognize the truth about their existence if you want to take the responsibility to live the present with a new awareness and freedom. Otherwise you fall into patterns seasoned that lead nowhere, but keep your mind steady and locked on heavy thoughts, experiences, incomprehensible and unnecessary.

By ArtCounseling you can take a path that leads to a deeper understanding of themselves. Review its work in the thoughts that everyone has inside and very often can not express with words is a first step towards a path of change, maturity and positivity.

Cisono many opportunities to get in touch with themselves el'ArtCounseling is one of those. It 'a road that connects through the language of mind, experience, emotions and hands. Log in, takes what it finds, and that can be taken and leads them out. Highlight the old, makes it acceptable and recognized as an important part of himself and he asks to go further.

By ArtCounseling you discover the potential benefits associated with new attitudes and new visions, so that all this knowledge does nothing but attract the best experiences, meet more interesting and a new openness toward you.

The story in pictures of themselves becomes a clear picture of the whole person. The person emerges from this location as a being who has re-found and he sees himself in a new light, more conscious and determined, with a higher self-esteem and desire to succeed by showing its value rediscovered.

The "sign" is the hub of the process of ArtCounseling, everything occurs through art. And 'the work that conveys the message not the word.

Great is the power of the image, it hides vicende passate, elaborazioni, aspetti psicosomatici e infiniti altri segreti che solo chi disegna può svelare.

Ogni opera è un messaggio anche se non sempre voluto consciamente; certi problemi, disagi e mozioni e dolori vengono trascinati dalle linee e dai colori. In ogni lavoro ci sono due parti: una in primo piano e una più nascosta e il cliente prova una certa soddisfazione quando riscontra tra la propria opera e i suoi intenti rappresentativi una certa corrispondenza. E’ importante che egli riconosca cosa si muove dentro di sé e che tipo di emozioni vive capendo se sono sensazioni di paura, di gioia, di rabbia, di frustrazione o di altro genere. E’ importante poi che liberi queste forces and reveal the sheet through the colors and shapes.

The ArtCounseling has two functions, the first is to turn the camera lens inside the eye to look internally, the second is the focus of external reality. The Client "doing art" begins to identify itself and to use one or the other way.

By ArtCounseling puts the individual in a position to find their inner freedom, at the same time highlighting the most authentic part of himself. This allows the person to get rid of its oldest and most tenacious suffering, removing anxieties in which to put on and re-finding that the entirety of his personality.

Since the ArtCounseling works on the strength of the colors and shapes is capable of reaching fields deep and unknown where the words do not come. Artistic expression, be it a drawing or a sculpture, an essay, poem, or a collage can overcome the state through the emergence of consciousness from the unconscious without any filter all that is more hidden but also more true of ' individual.

When a path ArtCounseling to enter into ourselves and see you some special moments when we feel we can draw them or represent them in other ways, and in doing so we can understand and know something more about us and what happened to us.

often fail to understand that each of us stands in a unique way to experience living in the middle, in the midst of his life and his relationships. It is easy to make comparisons with the experiences of others, think that the way to understand is the same for all, that is the way we see the same for all, that the way to learn is the same for each person. Instead our eyes capture reality in a unique way, our earliest experiences, the smallest, most trivial, but for us so great and sometimes insurmountable, have resulted in the past of personal emotional responses that we represent today. These responses are not new but are awakened as if they were real, facts that are nothing but reminders of the past, something that has already happened in a more or less distant.

This "here and now" is the new opportunities offered to us to prove to ourselves who we really are and if we do not have confidence in the present, we play our roles more interesting, if unfortunately, in this live in trouble we must learn to think that something has awakened an old episode in the past has made us suffer, the emotion returns linked to that fact.

Emotions are energy movements that relate to all episodes of our life where we learned a lesson through the story we grew up with the suffering ol'allegria.

Make a path ArtCounseling is like taking off from the shoulders all the weights that we carry with us and prevent us from living fully with this, when they rely on paper, writing, color, clay these memories, thoughts, people, spoken and unspoken words, everything calms down and they gradually become vanishing, remaining at the end of the photos to tell how their colors on our way ... ..

If somehow you've intrigued .... book a meeting with me (the first meeting is ABSOLUTELY FREE and NOT committed itself ) call me at 347 1751469 or write ... ... ... ... ... ...


Monday, February 14, 2011

Cramps, Cervical Mucus

Body of Emotions ...

Once upon a time the human body, all enclosed in a wrapper called skin. Inside it was impossible to look at, but we thought we had a heart, veins, bones (a brain!) And all those other things. Some also said that there was a soul, but you knew what it was made.

That is, until early 1900, then there was a big commotion.

A physician named Sigmund Freud wrote about unconscious, which is the most hidden part of our minds find a home where our desires, our fears, our dreams.

And so the beginning of the last century, the artists are no longer represented the only man in her appearance, trying to paint his body perfectly, but in their portraits have been trying to communicate something more: feelings and emotions that come from our hearts.

In Francis Bacon strokes of the human body is deformed, it folds and hides in the dark.

Schiele's body si contrae in una posa carica di tensione, diventando specchio delle passioni e del turbamento interiore.

La donna dipinta da De Kooning sembra non avere più un vero corpo, tutto si confonde tra le macchie di colore.


Ora tocca a te ... perché non metterti in gioco e provare.... di seguito un esercizio che propongo spesso ai mie clienti in seduta quando è necessario stoppare la parola e lasciarsi andare al “cosa sento...” , “ come lo sento...” , “dove lo sento...” ...

The body becomes continuously grows and changes, you change depending on feelings and emotions that invade it.

Did you ever feel your body as heavy as a stone when you're tired, tense and hard when you're in fear, light as a feather when you're happy, or feel tiny, almost invisible when Are you embarrassed?

Imagine if those feelings suddenly become images: bodies that speak ...

Now try to feel how the body changes according to the emotions ... assume these positions and listen to your body ...

CALM .... relaxes every muscle stretched ... ... grows gradually legs and arms occupying the space around you .... This experience was amplified gradually posture .... and listened .....

VOLTAGE .... standing ... back straight .... legs slightly apart, stretched .. Get your head in your hands crossing his arms down and rotate to the left as you can .... This experience was amplified gradually posture .... and listened .....

UNCERTAINTY .... remains in balance on one foot ... raise your arms up ... sways slightly ... This experience was amplified gradually posture .... and listened .....

ANGER .. . Sit on the floor ... knees to your chest ... squeeze strongly fists .... stiffen every muscle screaming ... and with all of your voice .... This experience was amplified gradually posture .... and listened .....

now staying in different emozioni sperimentate nel “qui e ora” disegna il tuo corpo nelle varie posizioni. Non avere paura di sbagliare, di lasciarti sfuggire dalle mani segni “ribelli”: in fondo ogni traccia sul foglio rende più vivo il disegno e racconta l’emozione che provi mentre crei .. è la memoria di ogni tuo gesto....

Ora, se hai voglia prova a fare un passo in più dando voce al tuo disegno accentuando le differenti sensazioni sperimentate, tramite nuove tecniche: cancella... nascondi... vela... scarabocchia... graffia... strappa e ricomponi...immergi nel colore....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Swot Analysis For Pinkberry

Jackson Pollock - Alchemy, 1947 -

Mi disse : “ la luce è pesante. E’ tutta materia grezza. Se ti avvicini al quadro la vedi: più cremosa del fondo plumbeo”.

Allora mi avvicinai e potei notare come il tratto in rilievo producesse oscurità ulteriori e la superficie non avesse altro che assorbenza. Niente colori senza luce. Un piccolo segreto alchemico, perché il pittore non fa altro che riunire elements and make them fight with the light.

He said: "I do not use colors. There are no colors, there are secret relevance. Because the atmosphere of love and gives birth to the surface color. And explodes as an idea of \u200b\u200blife. But if you approach the whole is lost. Intercourse with the air temperature, the attachment of color to the canvas and the docility of the painter who only makes gestures. So the lead becomes gold. "

He said: "Painting is just chemical, like washing hands or chew. As the foam that clings lovingly to the particles of dirt and carries it with him. How food is processed in the mill alive by the gesture of the jaw, fever secreted by the salivary glands. It swoops down to the more complex laboratories, more and more simplified. "

He said: "Nothing that seems to occur randomly. Move the hand gestures of apparent randomness, I let all the raw material overlaps and expect it to be light to do the rest. But there is nothing in this unweighted and gestures are accurate. Because the hand of the painter unfolds ee dye mess with the eye of the layman. Yes, colors are crowded and there's more. But the aura is deceptive, it produces itself. Invade and look back at the origin. "

Mi disse: “Che c’entra questo quadro!”.

Allora mi avvicinai alla tela e respirai quei tratti.......

M.Fois - Picta –