Ciao a tutti,
sabato 22 gennaio alle 15 presso la sede dell’associazione "Voci e Progetti" posta in Viale della Libertà n. 444 a Chianciano Terme (Zona banca Cras) come tutti gli anni, ci troviamo per rinnovare le cariche del circolo (Presidente, vice, segretario e responsabile del tesseramento), per approvare il bilancio e per fare una chiacchierata fra di noi, riflettere su le attività che abbiamo fatto e pensare in the future.
I take this opportunity to add some thoughts below and then adding others speak in the church by anyone who wants to intervene.
- Regarding the report of the activities is the attachment that is clear, the number of initiatives in growth seems, unfortunately, participation will suffer a bit 'late, try to talk to see if it is a matter of time or we do not like the arguments that we face or the way we treat them.
- particularly successful, in my opinion, had the nuclear debate of 20 November is the case to continue on this road, organizing more such initiatives (conferences, seminars, etc. ..)? Require more work but give more satisfaction?
- There are three important news first: the ex-INFEA project has been radically changed and we will feature in next year for investigation and clarification rather do it in the meeting, by e-mail is too long and tedious; Second: the ASL asked for our cooperation to resume the project "a tree for every born", a clear sign of our credibility and the fact that the Feast of the tree that we organize for years is clearly seen as "quasi-institutional" thanks to good organization and the good results ; Third: the management of the Lake of Montepulciano is undergoing significant change, which is also involved in il nostro circolo, anche questo è un segnale di fiducia nei nostri confronti.
Su questi argomenti e altri che verranno proposti spero si dipanerà il dibattito del nostro congresso annuale.
Cordiali saluti
Gaetano Rispoli
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