Monday, January 31, 2011
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Interview with Francesco Carbone reported that some practices lack transparency in their contracting practices in the role of Italian Mail
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" The creative acts of everyone, whatever they are,
draw a shape
constructive apparent
amorphous chaos of our lives "
Rollo May
" The creative process involved in artistic is "curative" and enriches the life . Not surprisingly, this idea of \u200b\u200bart as a "cure" is constitutive art therapy, given the many similarities between the creative process and the therapeutic process.
Both concern the solutions of problems: finding new alternatives to old ways of being, thinking, feeling. Both are acts of innovation, improvisation, transformation. In both processes involving an encounter with the deepest self, in art therapy encounter is mediated by the materials and expertise to produce art.
Nell'arteterapia was encouraged to use creativity to produce original and imaginative work. It is an experience in which imitation is asked to copy a model or to acquire a technique. Make an exact replica of an object, a drawing, a sculpture can also be a source of satisfaction, but that does not trigger creative project where you can discover and develop our most authentic and personal world of images. Working on the production process of images and run the risk of expressing themselves by suspending all judgments liaise with our creative potential.
The art therapy is a process that is to explore, create and edit images working from her own imagination and often venturing into the unknown.
creativity inevitably means that we take risks, to break barriers, we forzino limits and invent new ideas. If you feel safe only if you have certain rules and there is the right answer, the experience of art as self-knowledge, at the beginning seem frustrating, contradictory, perhaps exasperating. However, if you pass the first hurdle of wanting to know "why", focusing instead on "how" it can be a path that can initiate a process of change, personal growth and wholeness, paving the way toward awareness, self-knowledge e la trasformazione.
La creatività non si può insegnare, ma ci sono condizioni che possono favorirla:
Un atteggiamento permissivo => la creatività fiorisce quando non ci sono norme, giudizi o preconcetti. Per esprimervi creativamente, dovete sentirvi liberi di tentare esperienze nuove, di violare regole e presupposti scontati, di giocare con le idee senza alcuna remora. Non c’è nulla di male a strappare un foglio, a distruggere e rifare le immagini, a crearsi un modo tutto personale di lavorare con il materiale. Non è necessario che seguiate nessuna regola artistica che vi sia stata insegnata, né imitare how to draw or paint the others. You can freely give you permission to Dare!
not worry about what others may think => is important to follow your instincts and intuition. Creativity flourishes when we feel we know what's good for us, not what we rely on praise and scrutiny by others. Ask yourself these questions: "what I'm doing I'm satisfied?", "My work expresses what I feel?".
Forget the self-critical => to feel free to experiment and explore is necessary to silence inner voices that say "be careful", "do not waste the colors", "would have nothing else to do." An important gift you give yourself the art and the freedom to explore and experiment without worrying about how much material used or the time it takes. In addition, using your creative resources to explore and express stress not worry if you're doing something "useful." Your goal is simply to create something and enjoy this activity.
Accept that there are no right or wrong answers => this requires that we put aside the rules on what is right or wrong and to treat each other with respect for those we perceive as mistakes, because they often come from new insights. A line drawn accidentally fall or a splash of color on the paper can lead to unexpected results.
we try to get to work??
First of all you should familiarize yourself with the various materials in order to experience how they respond and where you are more in tune. Learning what to do exactly pencils, markers, crayons, chalk, tempera, watercolors and feelings that damage is to extend the visual language and, even if preferences and mode of expression may change over time, it is important to discover what material should be more "agree".
Another important thing before you begin: is necessary to work in a spontaneous manner, and pledged not to judge or censor what you are doing nothing.
Arrange all the materials in front of you.
Working quickly, but without effort, using various types of pencils to draw lines on a piece of every kind (straight, wavy, broken, with flourishes, twirls ...). Try changing the pressure stroke. Do not worry about what comes out and if you can think of no clear focus limited to scribbling.
Repeat the exercise using markers. Look at how many lines and shapes of various kinds can do with pens and note how they respond to those fine point tip big ones. On a second sheet, repeat the exercise using only your favorite colors. Finally, a third sheet repeat it again using the colors that you like less. And 'anything changed? What do you feel you immerse yourself in a color rather than another?
Now repeat the exercise with the chalk, working again with all the colors of the box and then experimenting with the ones you like best and the ones you like less. Try mixing two or more colors and blur the lines and contours with your fingers. How do you feel "dirty hands"? .... On a sheet and create a grid quickly fills each square with lines, shapes and different images.
We now turn to play with acrylics, tempera and watercolors.
Get sheets of watercolor are a little 'thicker and will allow you to work both by wetting the surface and letting it dry.
Try to pass on the sheet a large brush soaked with water and try to paint on the wet surface, all the brushes you use to see what you can draw lines, turning them and using them to make thick and thin lines.
Then try to use colors without water, dry brushing.
Choose Color Mix it on a plate or directly on the paper and then trying to use a paper towel or a cotton swab to impress the signs.
Do not be afraid of a certain chaos trying to paint like a child who discovers ¾ years the lines and colors for the first time.
Completati i vari esperimenti osservali e appunta la tua reazione/sensazione/emozione davanti ai vari colori, forme, linee. Prendi nota delle diverse impressioni che ti dà dipingere con i colori umidi o con il pennello asciutto e se ti piace usare materiali come la carta o l’ovatta per lasciare segni nel colore. Prova a trovare un materiale alternativo, inusuale e sperimentalo… come è per te? …. è facile trovare un’alternativa, rischiare, osare qualcosa di nuovo o preferisci stare entro i confini, seguire una strada già tracciata? ….
Conserva tutti questi disegni, per quanto ti sembrino primitivi e perché no, trovaci un nuovo utilizzo… che dici di un collage???? ….
Sunday, January 30, 2011
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goes on like every year the membership year 2011, who If you are interested in renewing the membership of the club or become a new member can contact the mail:
The type and amount of activity can be found in the appropriate post.
Everyone can do something for himself and for the environment!
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"Se potessi esprimerlo con le parole
non ci sarebbe nessuna ragione per dipingerlo ..."
Che atmosfera unica si percepisce entrando in a museum and along the corridors and rooms where the paintings are hung on the walls ....
What a thrill to see these paintings, stop in front of one in particular or to avoid the one before us raises a strange feeling.
's so that one begins to realize that any work says something that an old picture though has the power to convey meaning, even simple: I like or do not like.
You can see what the artist wanted to express painting that picture, but it may also be that our experience of life there porti a vedere in quell'opera un significato che è vero solo per noi.
Questa è l'arte che senza le parole racconta colui che passando si ferma ad ammirare.
Il Counseling Espressivo o ArtCounseling parte da qui, dalla capacità che hanno i colori di dire qualcosa a chi osserva. Colori, linee, forme, ombre, luci, vuoti e pieni sono le parole di un alfabeto nuovo.
E poi si va oltre: c'è un setting ricco di materiali, c'è un artcounselor che accoglie senza giudicare e c'è un cliente che quasi mai è un pittore, spesso "Can not draw", but manages very well to "get out of him" all the elements that are consistent with his work, both because the art therapy is able to remove the background and bring to the surface. And behind the image is the style and unique content that belongs only to the person who produces it and he alone will be able to find the hidden meaning.
The ArtCounseling is the art of narrative, a story made up of images and symbols in which every person who takes this path is its mode of expression. And 'the art of putting in place, doing better, of the adjustment, the memory that leads to slowly ritessere la propria identità.
Attraverso un percorso di ArtCounseling si ritrova fiducia in se stessi. Si trovano capacità impensabili e si recuperano quelle che si credevano perse, ci si scopre e ci si racconta.
Ci sono disegni che sono veri e propri fumetti, altri che ricordano dei racconti a puntate nei quali si riconoscono momenti di vita anche sotto vesti insolite. Altri che sembrano cartoline, piene di minuziosità che spiegano cosa è successo. Ci sono dei manufatti che non si sa se siano reali o fantastici, i cui dettagli, pescati nel passato, possono benissimo essere stati inventati in un momento in cui il memory is intertwined with fantasy.
Each work is a message even if not always consciously wanted to, certain problems, emotions and pain are dragged from the lines and colors. In every job there are two parts: a foreground and a more hidden. The body is the vehicle of transmission from the inside out. The customer feels a certain satisfaction when found between his work and his intent represents a certain correspondence. It 'important at this point that he recognizes within himself what moves and what kind of emotion unawakened lives.
Artistic expression che sia un disegno, una scultura, un collage, e non necessariamente estetica, riesce a superare le barriere difensive facendo emergere dall'inconscio senza alcun filtro tutto quanto vi è di più nascosto e difficile da comunicare. La ricerca di una forma porta poi il cliente alla presa di coscienza di sé come donna o uomo, in quanto l'arte utilizza un linguaggio arcaico che supera quello verbale, smuovendo gli strati più profondi dell'inconscio e pone così l'individuo di nuovo in armonia con se stesso; ritrovare questo collegamento equivale a ri-trovare il Ben-Essere.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Women Topless On Tractors
I thought a lot whether to open a new blog (4th) and consequently the addition of work ...
Then, as I always tell my clients: I have heard, I did talk about my needs and I have accepted.
Yes, in this moment I feel the need to differentiate, which is not to say divided into watertight compartments, but rather create spazi, uniti tra loro come vasi comunicanti. Ognuno con la propria importanza e visibilità.
Da qui la decisione di un contenitore dedicato all’Arte .. “l’Arte come filo d’oro per ri-trovarsi” perché il filo conduttore che lega tutto il mio lavoro è proprio quello Ri-trovarsi e s e ri-troviamo il nostro nucleo più profondo e lo amiamo, lo accettiamo, lo proteggiamo potremmo spingerci verso l'altro liberi da aspettative e proiezioni che inquinano la nostra vita ... .
Il nostro più grande tesoro: le nostre risorse vengono nascoste sotto tonnellate of debris ... reeled in constant search of something we can "save" not seeing that something is in the exact place where we are ...... we .....
The fulfillment of our existence we and everything is due to the center, in-house ....
There may be many ways to get themselves and I want each one has its window even if the design is common that unites them ... ..
So here is my new baby ....
Le immagini appartengono alle profondità primordiali dell’animo umano e consentono l’es-pressione di ciò che le parole a volte non potrebbero dire ….
“Dipingere è azione di auto scoperta.
Ogni buon artista dipinge ciò che è ...”
Jackson Polloc k
Monday, January 24, 2011
Leigh-d Xtreme-curves Freeones
Where were you in 1999? In a cave? In an old barn full of holes? You cibavi of remains left by your neighbors and you dressed in animal skins killed with your hands?
With how much effort you've managed to get out of that dramatic condidizione ... And now ... the most terrible news coming from Confcommercio. Consumption ... are at 1999 levels ...
Do you realize?? It 's a drama! What we consume in 99. Oh dear ... Perhaps, you think about it in '99 not do so bad ... we went I guess even then we lived in opulent homes, bought dozens of useless objects, we fill the fridge with food in excess, we had a car person, a television person ...
Yet the newspapers seem to have no doubts. The fact that we eat as the '99 is a serious problem. Fortunately, however, reassure us: in 2012 will resume ...
But what is this shoot? The revival of what? Waste? The recovery in consumption ... Or increased consumption. Or the fact that every year you have to "consume" more of the previous year. More forests cut down (but will not end?), More oil estratto (ma non finirà?). più mari inquinati, più rifiuti prodotti. Se tutto questo accadrà, avremo la ripresa. Se per caso, tutto ciò non dovesse aumentare o peggio (!) diminure... allora saremo in una situazione grave.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
How To Take Out Babies Flem?
Ciao a tutti,
sabato 22 gennaio alle 15 presso la sede dell’associazione "Voci e Progetti" posta in Viale della Libertà n. 444 a Chianciano Terme (Zona banca Cras) come tutti gli anni, ci troviamo per rinnovare le cariche del circolo (Presidente, vice, segretario e responsabile del tesseramento), per approvare il bilancio e per fare una chiacchierata fra di noi, riflettere su le attività che abbiamo fatto e pensare in the future.
I take this opportunity to add some thoughts below and then adding others speak in the church by anyone who wants to intervene.
- Regarding the report of the activities is the attachment that is clear, the number of initiatives in growth seems, unfortunately, participation will suffer a bit 'late, try to talk to see if it is a matter of time or we do not like the arguments that we face or the way we treat them.
- particularly successful, in my opinion, had the nuclear debate of 20 November is the case to continue on this road, organizing more such initiatives (conferences, seminars, etc. ..)? Require more work but give more satisfaction?
- There are three important news first: the ex-INFEA project has been radically changed and we will feature in next year for investigation and clarification rather do it in the meeting, by e-mail is too long and tedious; Second: the ASL asked for our cooperation to resume the project "a tree for every born", a clear sign of our credibility and the fact that the Feast of the tree that we organize for years is clearly seen as "quasi-institutional" thanks to good organization and the good results ; Third: the management of the Lake of Montepulciano is undergoing significant change, which is also involved in il nostro circolo, anche questo è un segnale di fiducia nei nostri confronti.
Su questi argomenti e altri che verranno proposti spero si dipanerà il dibattito del nostro congresso annuale.
Cordiali saluti
Gaetano Rispoli
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Ram Reader Rb-539 Driver
In preparazione all'assemblea del circolo di sabato prossimo 22 Genaio presso la sede di Voci e Progetti in Viale della Libertà N. 444 a Chianciano Terme di seguito l'elenco delle attività svolte nel 2010 dalla nostra associazione.
12/02/10 M'illumino di meno Distribuzione lampadine a basso consumo e luci portachiavi a ricarica FV a Sarteano e Chianciano
19/02/10 Settimana amica del clima Lezioni sul cambiamento climatico agli alunni delle scuole Closed to the Acquaviva average
20/03/10 Forget-me-Redevelopment of the garden elementary school Abbadia di Montepulciano
10/04/10 Sun Day Distribution of light bulbs to the Station of Montepulciano
25/04/10 Liberation Day Traditional outdoor dining Pietraporciana
01/05/10 Collect Signatures helped to organize the collection of signatures for the public referendum on the water, setting up a banquet at the exhibition on 1 May
01/05/10 Fairs Operation Clean Together with the Commune of Montepulciano, Sienambiente environmental and civil guards, we separately collected waste from the Exhibition "May 1st" differentiating 72%
06/05/10 Debate on the water with the Water Forum Meeting of Arezzo to explore the themes of the referendum, held at the hall of Chianciano Auser
09/05/10 Montepulciano Italy to love: walk and bike to and Callone Valiano Visit to 3 farms Leopold. Chianciano
: Walk and guided tour of the museum
13/05/10 Consumers League Organized in collaboration with the town of Montepulciano, the distribution of lamps and reducing the flow of the League in consumer
19/05/10 Cannellini Fierale In collaboration with the town of Montepulciano and the Collective Piranha cannellini installed a public water in Fierale Acquaviva
06/06/10 At the end of Operation Clean Trade Fair di Primavera a Montepulciano Stazione, in collaborazione con il Comune di Montepulciano, Sienambiente e le Guardie Civili ambientali, raccolti i rifiuti della fiera differenziando il 62%
04/07/10 Non scherzate col fuoco In collaborazione con Arci Caccia, Misericordia di Montepulciano e Corpo forestale, breve passeggiata didattica nei boschi della Madonna del Cerro
10/07/10 Passeggiata ciclistica Passeggiata in bicicletta nei boschi della Madonna del Cerro
15-18/07/10 Festa della musica di Chianciano RD, uso materbi e eliminazione delle bottiglie dell’acqua di plastica.
05/08/10 Passeggiata di San Lorenzo Passeggiata notturna al Callone di Valiano in collaborazione con Arci Caccia e Ass. Gens Valia
11/08/10 Forum "The Val di Chiana we want," Cultural Forum on excellence, held in Val di Chiana Valian, in which we presented the brochure "Natural Remedies for combating mosquitoes"
04/08/10 Fair St. Victorinus participated in 'organization of the Fair "short, young and excellent environment for Acquaviva
Live Festival Rock Festival co-organizing the following environmental projects: Mater-Bi Live, Water-Live and Re-Live
17/09/10 Press Conference Organized and participated in the provincial press conference for the presentation of Clean Up the World at the Café Poliziano Montepulciano
18/09/10 Participated in Walk Cycle all'organizzazione della Passeggiata ciclistica lungo il Sentiero della Bonifica
25/09/10 Puliamo il Mondo
In collaborazione con il Comune di Montepulciano e le scuole medie di Acquaviva pulito via G. Leopardi e parcheggio campo sportivo
25/09/10 Puliamo il Mondo Iniziativa con la scuole di Chianciano
25/09/10 Contenitori per oli vegetali In collaborazione con la sezione soci Coop distribuiti i contenitori domestici per gli oli vegetali (Acquaviva)
26/09/10 Puliamo il Mondo In collaborazione con il Comune e con la Coop, pulizia della zona intorno al Lago (Casetta) e loc. Granai
27/09/10 Operazione “Fiere pulite” Fiera al ponte, in collaborazione con Sienambiente raccolto in maniera differenziata i rifiuti della fiera raggiungendo il 68% di raccolta differenziata.
07/10/10 Cimitero rifiuti zero In collaborazione con il Comune di Montepulciano, istituito la raccolta differenziata nel Cimitero di Abbadia
19/11/10 Festa dell'albero In collaborazione con il Comune di Chianciano e scuole elementari “Mencarelli”, piantato alberi nella pineta di Chianciano
20/11/10 Dibattito “Nucleare: una soluzione?” Dibattito alla Sala Fellini di Chianciano in collaborazione con: Comune, Collettivo Fabrica, Voci e Progetti.
21/11/10 Giornata dell'infanzia
S.Albino Giornata dedicata all'ambiente , energia, alimentazione, in collaborazione con asl e Comune di Montepulciano
27/11/10 Festa dell'albero Acquaviva, messa a dimora di una siepe in Via Fonte Doccia, in collaborazione con Comune di Montepulciano, Scuole Elementari, Comitato di Partecipazione, Collettivo Piranha
27/11/10 Festa dell'albero Abbadia, messa a dimora di nove cipressi in Via Pablo Neruda, in collaborazione con Comune di Montepulciano, Scuole Elementari, Comitato di Partecipazione, Associazione Terzo Millennio e Avis
28/11/10 Ridurre si può Banchetto alla fiera di S.Andrea ad Abbadia distribuzione composter, lampadine, bottiglie, contenitori olio vegetale (Coop), in collaborazione con Comitato di partecipazione di Abbadia di Montepulciano
19/12/10 Ridurre si può Banchetto al Mercatino di Natale ad Chianciano: distribuzione bulbs, glass bottles and brochures can reduce
19/12/10 Banquet at 1 Christmas Market in Acquaviva: Composter distribution, light bulbs, bottles, containers, vegetable oil (Coop)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Fly Deck Shimano Sora
interviewed Simone Righi and Jo Flowers, protagonist of a story incredible find themselves on trial after they found killed their dogs in a boarding house for dogs in Spain. Reported the incident, demonstrate for their rights, they are accused and arrested for no reason.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Letter Asking Contributions For Coworkers Wedding
After so many episodes of information on incinerators and support the cause of the coordination of NO INC Albano Laziale finally bear witness to the victory.
Won the use of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court against the incinerator that was to be Cerroni (as well as AMA and ACEA)
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We were also close to the protest against the Gelmini decree, we went on roofs.
We also give testimony in this episode of motion on the water mzione city committee of Genzano di Roma to public water.
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Ignatius Cutri. the man who said no to the racket and was left alone by the state issues a our broadcast interview backstage with all of its history
Emu Stinger Emu Bronte
Before addressing his procedure, Marshal Zito The week after the service report, gave an interview to our broadcast.
November 2010
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Co Sadzisz O Teorii Zludzen Bacona
Dam Montedoglio above St. Sepulchre, was built last about 15 years ago and was built to give water to one part of Umbria and Tuscany. Should be used to bring water in Lake Trasimeno, the campaigns of the upper Val Tiberina and the Chiana Valley. In the future we do not know how far it should reach the water quality of the river until our territories.
To read and see more information, visit the link:
Commento facile è: se non siamo ancora in grado di gestire ed essere sicuri della resistenza di una diga e dei suoi impianti correlati come fanno a raccontarci che il nucleare è sicuro. Forse è sicuro perchè lo dice la pubblicità del forum nucleare italiano? Quelli che giocano a scacchi con la vita degli altri?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
How Long Is Wesley Pipes
Oggi è stato installato questo cartello presso la fontanella dell'acqua del Vivo alla Foresta (Chianciano, zona le Piane).
Oltre a questo cartello sono stati montati altri con le indicazioni per raggiungere la cannellina.
Intanto stiamo lavorando per cercare di montare la casina dell'acqua.
A breve l'assemblea del circolo per il rinnovo delle cariche e decidere l'attività 2011.