With this post I would like to invite you to a journey of exploration and experimentation Art through the streets of his body.
What's most amazing fact of the human body: perfect gear head, heart and gut.
The body is like a trail, traveling along the arteries and veins can find a map of organs "to hear of the houses, which are the source of their being, the engine of our lives.
My body is like a sponge, absorbing everything around him and this feeds my deepest parts and hidden.
I tried to find and mark on my body the Tracks of my life and I found out:
my eyes ... glass beads, windmills of the soul ..
my ears ... wings of feeling, binders and speakers to hear the sound and feel ....
my nose ... that captures the body odors that attracts ...
my mouth ... as the source of words such as passage inward, as well of depth ....
my brain ... place that evokes memories of thoughts ....
my heart ... a hive to bring about love ....
my uterus ... taboo in the head, secret garden where everything that lives in the heart is transformed into action .....
my hands ... tools of the emotions that open to things like fans ....
my feet ... roots that run along the body .....
I suggest now, remain enmeshed in this state of enchantment, of going in search of your "case of feeling ', those organs which are the origin and development of your emotions to build a map of your body where signs and designs become emotional expressions of anatomy .....
- Scegli un luogo tranquillo
- Sdraiati su un grande foglio bianco
- Fai segnare a qualcuno di cui ti “fidi” la sagoma del tuo corpo
- Ascoltati.......
- Cerca di sentire da che parte del tuo corpo provengono le tue emozioni
- Individua le “case del sentire”....
- Immagina la forma, il colore, la consistenza di questi organi....
- Apri gli occhi e disegna, oppure aiutandoti con immagini prese dai giornali fai un collage.....
- Aggiungi words .... color .... small objects in your life ....
Now get up and look down, as if flying over unfamiliar territory, dwelling on each site, and feel ..... let your emotions to flow .. becomes the place ..... you are .... wonderfully unique .....
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