Every human being is a unique and extremely complex phenomenon that develops in the union of body, mind and emotions.
Each is unique and unrepeatable in the body as in all other respects, but it is interesting to note that the sense of personal identity is best achieved by face.
have the appearance of the face that make us recognizable and allow us to re-know each other. Meeting a friend with her head covered by a helmet, most likely we would not know to identify it. The identity card, passport, symbolically bring a driver's license photo of our faces. The face, more than any other part of the body is unique and tells us. It has been the scene of a thousand expressions that characterize us and we establish relations with the outside world, beyond the features and facial expressions that most reveals the eyes and the energy that leaks out of sight.
E 'is logical that the portrait el'autoritratto dot above the representation of the face, because it can, in a sense, take the personal authenticity.
I would also add that a good portrait is not necessarily realistic reproduction but must be able to steal the mysterious light of the soul, mood exquisitely painted intrinsic to the subject.
This premise to introduce, suggest you try it, a job exploration of expression that I use often in the paths of Counseling.
The following creative exercise aims to re-contact or contact their identity: the observation focused on the face, in order to play it pictorially, leads, naturally, to establish a deep contact with us themselves.
In addition, this exercise will be addressed separately le polarità che sono rappresentate somaticamente dalle due parti del viso, la sinistra e la destra. La selezione creativa può farci apprezzare le loro differenti qualità, di cui spesso non siamo consapevoli, favorendo in questo modo l’ottimizzazione e l’integrazione delle attività dei due emisferi cerebrali.
Pronti?? …. Partiamo……
Munitevi di uno specchio sufficientemente grande da riflettere il vostro viso; nella prima parte dell’esercizio coprite con un foglio bianco fermato dallo scotch, la metà verticale mirror so that it remains visible only the left side of your face.
The drawing sheet must be divided in half vertically, because the first part of the work, drawing on only half of the paper, depicting the left side of the face. This part corresponds to the right hemisphere of the brain that manages the intuitive faculties, imagination and creativity. Features often poorly used because the entire educational program, which suffer from small, focuses almost exclusively on the virtues of rational left brain hemisphere.
With the help of the mirror, osservatevi and proceed to draw the shape of the left half of your face, leaving the right side of the white paper. It does not matter if you can or not to outline an effective similarity, however, focused attention on the left bias to favor a deeper contact with yourself as not merely somatic.
When the portrait is half finished, developed in the abstract, on the white part of the paper, the other half of the face. The completion must be carried out not in a realistic manner, but with fantastic performances, which will be suggested by intuition, this mode of operation calls for the expression of knowledge sedimented at an unconscious level. In addition, the propagation picture to the right, the left half-portrait, a bridge with the right-brain left, the rational one that allows us to re-learn the deep links that emerge from the creative process.
When the work is finished before you put it and contemplate .... Let all thoughts flow freely, any association with the abstract forms and symbols of the party .. What you are saying? ...
In the second stage of the , we proceed in exactly the same so, drawing, however, the right side of the face. Probably you will find that it is more dominant than the left, which also work with complete image to the left, your half-portrait, may be less fluent, since our right side is generally more rigid. For this reason, the development of abstract, originating from this part of the face, is of great importance, since it allows thin tension and stiffness.
When you have made your two half-portraits, each sheet folded in half vertically, so you can see only the outline of the face, then join the two half-portraits, formando il volto intero. Girando i fogli da disegno, unite anche i due disegni astratti e osservate come si completano.
Su un foglio potete annotare le impressioni che sentite emergere guardando queste due immagini. Ricordatevi di dare sempre un nome ai due disegni iniziando con lo scrivere IO SONO…….
Dopo aver fatto tutto l’esercizio (parte 1 e 2), e aver assimilato le suggestioni di entrambe le fasi che riguardano gli autoritratti parziali, sarebbe molto interessante disegnare il vostro autoritratto per intero; vi accorgereste senz’altro di come questo lavoro abbia arricchito la percezione della vostra identity also figure in bringing those parts that we often fail to give a name and remain in the background ..
Anyone wishing to engage in the enterprise can then send his works to the e-mail: gabriellacosta@artcounseling.it and I, if desired, to publish on opening a new blog section "internal self ...."
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