Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cheap Slow Pitch Softball Bats

Tree Festival a Chianciano

Oggetto: Comunicato stampa festa dell’albero 2010

Il 19 novembre prossimi l’Amministrazione di Chianciano Terme collaborerà con l’istituto comprensivo “F.Tozzi” e con l’associazione Legambiente e la sezione soci Valdichiana South Central Coop Italy, for the success of the "Tree Day 2010" and "A tree for every born," this is a national law and will be feted this year children who were born and resident in Chianciano Terme between 2005 and 2008.
The program includes the planting of trees to be held next November 19 from 10am at the pine forest of Saint Anthony, located to the north of Italy Piazza. The initiative will also attend the children of classes 3 - 4 ^ - 5 ^ Menchaca Elementary School. During the initiative will offer a breakfast from the members section Valdichiana COOP South Central Italy.
In case of bad weather the event will moved to Friday, November 26 the same time.
The feast of the tree we also contribute to improving the quality of life of our country, reduce the landslide risk and air pollutant emissions. The choice of the pine forest is in fact due to the problems that followed the snow last March, just replace the cut trees with native species such as oaks and cypresses. In addition, the Association
Geoarchaeology rimboschirà the area of \u200b\u200bthe archaeological excavations of the theater last summer at the necropolis of Tolle.


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