Saturday, November 14, 2009

Letter Reconsideration

Subject: Press Day 2009 tree

On 20 and 21 November the Administration will work with the institute Chianciano Terme including "F. Tozzi" and with the association Legambiente, Collective Works, for the success of Geoarchaeology Tree Day 2009.
November 20 at 10 am we will plant trees in the area Mezzomiglio, near the traffic lights on the side that faces the square Italy, involving several classes of elementary school Mencarelli.
On 21 November at 10am to carry out a planting area in the "Valley Park" in the parking lot under the hotel with meeting Crociani Mezzomiglio in the area (at the traffic lights) involving several classes of elementary school "De Amicis".
There is a national law known as "A tree for every birth." We would like to start putting plants in honor of children who are born and born in our territory, then the children born will be invited from people living in Chianciano Terme between 2000 and 2004.
The feast of the tree we also contribute to improving the quality of life of our region and reduce atmospheric emissions of pollutants. In fact, the plants that we will also serve to absorb the carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere during the music festival last summer organized by the Collective Works. In addition to the area Mezzomiglio Administration piantumerà anche il nuovo parcheggio del cimitero, mentre l’Associazione Geoarcheologica rimboschirà l’area soggetta a scavi, con cospicui rinvenimenti archeologici, della scorsa estate presso la necropoli di Tolle.
Le 140 piante verranno offerte dalla Provincia di Siena e dal vivaio “Il Campino”. Durante le piantumazioni il circolo Legambiente, nell’ambito del progetto di educazione ambientale “Stop the Fever” finanziato con fondi Infea, allestirà una piccola colazione per i partecipanti.


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