Friday, December 14, 2007

Theatre Seating Template

presentations at Bologna

Martedi' 18 Dicembre alle 21:30 alla libreria Modo Infoshop di Bologna sarà presentato il volume Gli Intrusi . Saranno presenti gli autori: Andrea Bruno, Francesco Cattani, Francesco Chiacchio, Pasquale La Forgia, Roberto La Forgia, Alessandro Tota.

Sempre al Modo Infoshop, giovedi' 20 dicembre, alle ore 21:30, sarà presentato il volume Cronachette . Giacomo Nanni sarà li' per parlare del suo lavoro e dedicare le copie del libro.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Herbal Apothecary Shop

Top Ten Graphic Novels

Unknown/Sconosciuto di Rutu Modan has been included among the 10 best graphic novels out in 2007 by Time magazine .

Monday, December 3, 2007

Nordic Walking Gloves


Cronachette on the graphic novel is a delicate time, constructed under the pretext of telling the daily saga of black kitten solitary author. Showing
micro that wind from his apartment to the Moon, Nanni scans the unique ability of cats to live an undivided time, created and recreated through expansion and acceleration extremes: endless sleep, convulsive strokes, lightning attacks of nowhere ...
From Crumb to Herriman by Moebius in Sfar, there have been extraordinary in cats comics, characterized in turn by feelings of tenderness, vision, cruelty, surreality. In this context
Cronachette , while evoking the rarefied elegance of the sign and graphic Japanese culture (and precious felines sketches by Manet and Steinlen), and although it is related with Peanuts for the composition of boards, white Black and clean humor and mild melancholy, however, stands as a work of completely original.
Nanni has created a delicate filigree poetic fact the inexhaustible capacity of the cat-and character of his peculiarly all-species incessantly to convert space in moments of time. Le 350 pagine dell’opera fotografano con precisione e sobrietà esemplari questa attitudine, attingendo all’infinito catalogo naturale a disposizione: l’impercettibile scivolare del corpo, apparentemente immobile nei lunghissimi sonni, attraverso gamme di micromovimenti scansionati su tavole bianche in cui spiccano le vellutate silhouettes nere; i détournements improvvisi, quando appostamenti pazienti si estinguono nell’urgenza di spulciarsi una spalla; gli immobilismi duraturi e perfetti, sintetizzati nel tratteggio dell’ombra che rendiconta il tempo che scorre…
E va infine riconosciuta la radice della potenza descrittiva dell’autore: l’attenzione, quella radiographer secular prayer in which he transposes his creature and the tables of graphic novels published by Coconino Press, an unforgettable comic physiology of the ineffable.

Claudia Berger

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Health Risks With Dishwasher Rinse Aid

Tres! Comics for the theater

"This new book has been the spark of a great social revolution in a country that looks so disturbing to us. This new book Davide Toffolo collects three stories and interviews the three actors-writers-actors who tell their incredible human and professional experience. A book on political violence on people of power and control of the art da parte della politica.
Che tutto questo possa succedere anche in quella che chiamiamo Democrazia è argomento della cronaca. Ma Tre fumetti per il teatro è anche un oggetto di lavoro per chi volesse portare a teatro le storie raccolte in questo volume."

160 pagine in bianco e nero, formato 15x21 cm., euro 11,00
Vai alla pagina corrispondente nel catalogo Coconino Press

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bay Eagle Metal Core Wheels

winners in Lucca Lucca Comics

Assegnati i premi Gran Guinigi a Lucca Comics 2007:
Miglior Storia Lunga a The Blood of Mala, of Jacques and Philippe Loustal Paringaux

Special Jury Prize for Daniel Clowes Ice Haven

Finally Award for Best Author only Andrea Bruno !

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Primerannealing Temperature

News Comics.2-Cronachette

the new book by James Nanni , author of "History of one that went 'in search of fear."
360 pages in black and white, size 15x21, € 16.00

What Is Your Career Aspiration

Award to Frank Ciampi The Altrarte Ghermandi

Francesca Ghermandi won the Premio Ciampi The Altrarte 2007. It will be held an exhibition at the Gallery Blue Camel of Livorno, with opening October 27, 2007 at 21:00. The exhibition will show some of the 250 black and white drawings of small and medium size made in biro for "Summer in Tombstone," the show / book among the latest projects brought to fruition by Ghermandi.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How Can I Repair The Spurs In Pad Of My Foot

Rutu Modan - New York Times News

comics that Rutu Modan, author of the novel Unknknown / Unknown , has recently carried out for New York Times, are now readable in network.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Eden Mor On Bed Images

Lucca Comics.1-intruders

intruder who is where it should not, history tells who lived by someone else. In this book, the intruders are a group of authors who confronts the Province of Bari: a place for anything exotic or far away, yet unexpectedly large, as all the little details in the lens of narrative (from the preface to the volume of Goffredo Fofi )

"The Intruders" is an anthology to which they have worked some of the most 'significant young talents of Italian comic
not, deal with the difficult task of telling the Southern Italy. A book on the subject, where you can read stories of those who are and will be some of the pencils more 'interesting in the coming years.
Contributors: Andrea Bruno , Francesco Cattani, F rancesco Chiacchio , Marco Corona, Manuele Fior, Roberto La Forge , Pasquale The Fo rgia , Giacomo Nanni, Alessandro Tota , Amanda Vähämäki .

You can read a text on the genesis of the book, at the hands of the curators of the project, The Integrator Blog .

"Gli Intrusi" Aa.Vv. a cura di Pasquale La Forgia, Roberto La Forgia, Michele Casella; 224 pagine (b/n e colore); 17 x 24 cm; € 15,00

Friday, October 19, 2007

How Long Does It Take To Get A D And C


" Maledizioni ", di Kevin Huizenga ha vinto il premio Ignatz " Outstanding Anthology or Collection", al festival di fumetto indipendente americano SPX . Qui gli altri premiati.

Pokemon Ruby Gameshark Rare Candies

Tribute to Mr. Huizenga Bonaventure

In occasione dei 90 anni dalla nascita del signor Bonaventura l' Associazione Hamelin ha organizzato una mostra-omaggio al celebre personaggio di Sto, dal titolo " Bonaventura. I casi e le fortune di un eroe gentile ". La mostra parte dalle bellissime tavole realizzate per il Corriere dei Piccoli a partire dal 1917, e prosegue con con gli eredi del segno di Sto, con originali degli autori del gruppo Valvoline ( Lorenzo Mattotti , Igort, Daniele Brolli, Giorgio Carpinteri ), e di giovani autori della scena del fumetto italiano, tra cui Giacomo Nanni, Manuele Fior e Roberto LaForgia. La mostra si tiene all' AuditoriumArte, nel Parco della Musica, Viale de Coubertin 15 a Roma.
Il disegno che vedete qui sopra é di Giacomo Nanni.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Please Suggest A Good Sheer Foundation

Awarded to Romics

The event Romics Roman has decided to award the Grand Prize at this year Grenuord Ghermandi Francesca, and the Best Paper Award of the Italian School in St. of Gipi.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Shooting Pain In Left Side Of Neck

After a long period of closure, Blog Gipi and Igort reopen its doors to visitarori.
The first sketch with a new character and the second volume of his studies for the upcoming Baobab 3. Finally!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Nanospeed 9900 Bangalore

Reopening Autumn Flower show in Udine

Opens today at 18 and continue until 28 October 2007, the exhibition of drawings and illustrations by Manuele Fior entitled Journey to Oslo, Berlin, Aswan, edited by Paola Bristot. The exhibition will be held at Visionary-Center for the Visual Arts, via Asquini 33, Udine. For information 0432/227798. Hours: from 16 to 22:30

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Female Suitcase Piercing

Manuele Fior Lausanne

Manuele Fior, the author of Red Overseas (Attilio Micheluzzi Award - Best Design for a graphic novel to Napoli Comicon 2007) on display the International Festival of Comics in Lausanne together with the entire team of his French publisher Atrabile. Esporrà 100 ritratti di donne eseguiti su piccoli post it. Maggiori informazioni qui .

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sample Welcome Addresss

Gipi show in Monfalcone

Sabato 8 settembre alle ore 18 si inaugura l'esposizione di Gipi , "La vita tra le pagine", alla Galleria Comunale d'Arte Contemporanea di Monfalcone. In mostra centoquaranta tavole originali dall'intera produzione dell'autore, tratte dai suoi romanzi " Appunti per una Storia di Guerra " e " S. ", e dai suoi numerosi racconti. Potete trovare qui maggiori informazioni.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Cervix High And A White Discharge

"Long Live the graphic novel"

"I wondered what in my opinion the most vital and artistic fields of expression today in the world I would not hesitate, and I would answer, of course scandalized someone: the graphic novel, which has become common to call now" graphic novel "and the documentary film . Why? " An article by Geoffrey

Fofi in line here on the site of Messenger.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Where To Put Stayfree Images

Daniel Clowes talks about Ice heven

Daniel Clowes radio interview on WNYC New York speaks of suo ultimo libro Ice Heven .

Monday, July 9, 2007

Hair Removal Cream For Ladies In Dubai

interview with Rutu Modan

Potete leggere qui un'intervista a Rutu Modan, riguardo il suo libro Unknown/Sconosciuto , apparsa sul magazine online Maisonnuve.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Disadvantage Of A Water Cooling System Cars

Mattotti on show in Naples

Lorenzo Mattotti in mostra al Castel dell'Ovo a Napoli. Qui maggiori informazioni, e una intervista all'autore.